
Please Enjoy This Dad Joke Duel Between Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg

It's for charity.

Will Ferrell Mark Wahlberg

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If you love a good dad joke, then this is the content for you. As part of their promotional duties for their new movie Daddy’s Home 2, Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell recently participated in the BBC’s Children in Need telethon, starring in a skit called Dad Joke or Dad Croak.

(Let’s just ignore for the moment that the film has been wildly panned by the critics, and that it also stars the wonderfully problematic Mel Gibson).

“If you smirk, you are a berk,” says Ferrell, explaining the rules. It’s pretty clear that he has no idea what berk means, but no matter.

Ferrell clearly wins the competition, because almost everything he says is delightful. But it’s Marky-Mark finding his own jokes hilarious that is truly worthy of the dad joke crown.

“What is E.T. short for?” he asks, before answering: “He’s got little legs.”

If you liked that, it’s also worth revisiting this similar if much more profane game the pair played for BBC Radio back in 2015.

Daddy’s Home 2 is in Australian cinemas on November 23, if you must.