
Real Life Situations When Being Way Too Keen Is Actually A Good Thing

It's an advantage to be a keen bean.

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We’ve all heard people say, “someone’s keen…” like it’s an insult. No one wants to be that person who’s trying too hard. But let’s face it, those keen beans may actually have an edge in some circumstances.

While in the casual dating world it might be time to dial the keenness, there are other real life situations where being too keen is actually a good thing.

The Job Hunt

I think we can all acknowledge that the people who submit identical resumes to multiple jobs and turn up to interviews in whatever they happen to be wearing that day, are unlikely to get the job. But the keen beans who personalise their application and turn up looking profesh are in with a good shot.

So the thing is, the little things that’ll have you coming across as a total creeper in a romantic situation can actually help you stand out from the crowd in the job hunt; A follow up call after an interview can be great, whereas a follow up call after a date may leave them wondering “have they not heard of text?” Potential employees want to see that you’re committed to the job, but on the other hand potential flings maybe want to give it some breathing space.

Uni Tutes

Is there anything worse than a tutorial where no one talks except the tutor who’s struggling to get anyone engaged in any kind of conversation? This is where it’s the Keen Bean’s time to shine and put the poor tutor out of their misery. They’ve done the readings, the extended readings, and managed to stay awake and alert through the two hour lecture. In other words, they’ve got this. Even if you’re not quite prepped, embrace your eagerness to learn and attempt to converse with your tutors. What’s the worst that can happen? At least you’ll get some participation marks.

Working In Retail Or Hospitality

There’s a difference between the forced smile many of us wear when working in retail or hospitality, and the genuinely keen face worn almost exclusively by the newest members of the team. Just imagine if you could combine the enthusiasm of someone who’s new to the job with the expertise of someone who’s done their time… you’d have the model employee.

We’re talking about the kind of employee who would get a tip, or really impress their managers with just how keen they are. Not only that, but customers can genuinely sense when someone wants to be there, and will be way more responsive to overly enthusiastic servers than someone just going through the motions.

Group Assignments

OK, OK. Group work is the worst. The only redeeming factor is when you have someone else in your group who’s too keen and you can ride their HD coattails while barely doing any work yourself. But, what happens when you’re too keen buddy isn’t there?

Well, you should use this opportunity to step up to the too keen position. Take charge and delegate – AKA tell everyone else what to do – and you’ll be the one with control over the project and the end result. Plus everyone else will thank you when you’re prepared and eager to make those stupid decisions like the team name. It’s a win-win.

(Lead image: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt/Netflix)