
Put Some Gross Old Cat Hair On Your Gross Old Cat; Create Your Very Own Donald Trump

#TrumpYourCat is your new favourite meme.

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Each and every day of Donald Trump’s transcendent run for the Republican Presidential nomination has brought with it a piercing clarity as to exactly who or what he really is. While this is a process all candidates for public office are familiar with — the intensity of public scrutiny has brought down much better men than himself — there’s something unmistakably unique and objectively terrible about how this has played out for him over the past four weeks.

On the very first day he proved himself a racist, using his announcement to casually accuse Mexican people of being rapists. He then became pig-headed, refused to apologise for this and backing it up on every major news network in the country. Now, after displaying his unwavering patriotism with a picture of the American flag superimposed with SS soldiers, he’s basically your computer-inept granddad — the one who sometimes lets dodgy comments about a nondescript war slip out from under his breath.

For some reason this carnival of despair has won him the popularity of the Republican Party and he’s still leading the polls as preferred Presidential candidate. And, with this, others are understandably frustrated and looking to let off steam.

Enter #TrumpYourCat: the Instagram trend that asks people to dress their cats up as the maligned reality TV host-turned-potential leader of the free world, and maybe, just maybe proves he’s been a cranky good-for-nothin’ housecat all along.

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Pictured: Donald Trump.

Nine Pieces Of Irrefutable Proof:

#1: Cats are selfish, malicious jerks who rarely like to converse with those from outside their own kind.

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Pictured: Donald Trump.

#2: Cats are vain and self-indulgent and often parade themselves around in front of everyone when they have no reason whatsoever to do so.

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Pictured: Donald Trump.

#3: Cats are cruel and will often toy with their prey before totally eviscerating them.

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Pictured: Donald Trump.

#4: Cats are pretty privileged, spending 2/3 of the day sleeping and the rest expecting food and adoration.

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Pictured: Donald Trump.

#5: Cats have also shown no interest in an all-female Ghostbusters film.

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Pictured: Donald Trump.


#6: Cats have, however, shown an interest in beauty pageants.

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Pictured: Donald Trump.

#7: Cats have much more hair than is logically necessary.

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Pictured: Donald Trump.

#8: I don’t like cats.

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Pictured: Donald Trump.

#9: But, for some terrible reason, everyone else seems to feel otherwise.

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Pictured: Donald Trump.

Feature image via Michael Vadon/Wikicommons, all others via Trump Your Cat/Instagram.