The New Lamb Ad Is Here And It’s… Extremely Weird
what if politics was lamb (???)

Lamb ads hold a weirdly prominent place in this nation’s political discourse. Which is a deeply ridiculous statement, but then again we live in deeply ridiculous times.
Meat & Livestock Australia goes famously big for its TV commercials, and has attracted plenty of controversy in the process. Recently an ad featuring a group of religious dieties gathering for a barbecue was banned after members of Australia’s Hindu community complained about the depicition of Lord Ganesha, who is meant to be a vegetarian. There was also the blockbuster Australia Day ad from last year, which was both praised for its depiction of a multicultural Australia and criticised for downplaying the traumas of colonialisation.
But their latest ad might be their most bonkers one yet, in that it seems more than a little inspired by the controversy caused by their previous ads. We’re through the looking glass here people.
Riffing heavily on West Side Story, the ad depicts “the extreme left and right wing commentators represented as Broadway musical-style street gangs, a satirical commentary on our current divided political climate”.
“If you’re a right you are right about every single issue / the left can go cry, throw them a tissue,” croons the leader of right.
“If you’re a left you stick up for the little guy. I mean… person,” comes the reply.
In a predictable plot twist, the only thing that can bring these two feuding groups together… is lamb.
The ad has already attracted plenty of attention on social media.
I can’t believe the new lamb ad is richard de natale saying “White people shouldn’t eat lamb”
— dan nolan (@dannolan) January 10, 2018
i think the lamb ad people should take a year off
— A Busy Dad (@mtats) January 10, 2018
new lamb ad day brings Australian Twitter together like only a select handful of other occasions, such as election days, Logies night and dunking on Malcolm Roberts
it’s a beautiful thing
— Josh Butler (@JoshButler) January 10, 2018
The only thing that would make the new lamb ad worse is Jar Jar, or maybe it would make it better.
— Wolf Cocklin (@wolfcat) January 10, 2018
My pitch for a lamb ad: Timothée Chalamet sensually fucking a lamb chop before Armie Hammer eats it.
— Mitch Feltscheer (@mitchfel) January 10, 2018
Personally, I think it’s great. After all, what better way to unite people than by reminding them that they love lamb. Love lamb, and really fucking hate musicals.