
How To Go From An Exercise Hater To An Exercise Lover

It's possible!

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Let’s be real, with a million other things to get done in our day, exercise is often the last thing on our mind. Physical exertion also makes you gross and sweaty so it comes as no surprise to find out that a majority of people hate doing it.

Unfortunately, we can’t deny that exercise is a necessary part of life to keep your body and mind in tip top condition. Contrary to popular belief, exercise doesn’t have to be the worst. In fact you can actually find yourself enjoying it. Here’s the way to do it.

#1 Have A Look At What’s Around You

If you’re not sure where to start, go for a walk around your neighbourhood. There could be a bike track, local swimming pool, or hiking track nearby that you had no idea about. If you’re more of an indoor kind of person see what kind of yoga studios, sports teams or gyms are close to you. The more convenient your exercise option, the better.

#2 Take Advantage Of The Free Shit

Once you’ve discovered a few different activities in your area, look at what they offer before you sign on the dotted line. Most places will have free trials, so you can work your way through a few different things before settling on something you’re willing to commit to. The freebies are around for a reason and you really should utilise them while you can.

But make sure you do enjoy it because there’s no point spending an arm and a leg on a gym membership you’ll only use twice.

#3 Make It Fun

No doubt exercise can sometimes feel like it’s a chore, but that doesn’t mean it has to be true. Challenge yourself to find something that excites you and you’ll look forward to. Sometimes this means switching it up and jumping between different exercises to keep it fresh. When the workouts you’re doing are fun and thrilling, I guarantee it will keep you coming back.

#4 Stay Accountable

It can be hard to stay motivated when you’re trying to get on the exercise bandwagon. One way to combat this is to find someone to make you accountable. Whether that’s a friend you go to a class with, your partner who pushes you to test your limits on the weekends, a personal trainer who really drives you, or even your mum who can call you every day to check in.

Once you’ve got someone else on your back about making those changes, it’s much easier to push yourself through lapses in motivation.

#5 Don’t Make Excuses An Option

Make your work out part of your day. Whether that’s getting up super early and working out first thing in the morning or taking gym clothes to work and getting your sweat on before you go home. You’ll find that this will help to shut down any distractions your day will throw at you and stop you from getting comfortable enough to not be bothered to go out again. Make space for it in your day and the biggest excuse will be out of your way.

#6 Keep It Up

Just because you don’t enjoy one form of exercise (or any), doesn’t mean you never will. Even the same kinds of exercise can be completely different depending on whether you’re doing it in a group or which studio/gym you attend. Remember to keep exploring.

(Lead image: How I Met Your Mother/CBS)