
Conservatives Lost The Plot After A Greens Senator Joked About “Halal-Certified Holiday Eggs”

He was also spruiking non-denominational cinnamon flavoured geometrically decorated seasonal fruit buns.

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Why is it that the people who accuse the left of being overly sensitive are always the first to have a full-blown meltdown the moment someone says something they don’t like?

On Tuesday, Tasmanian Greens senator Nick McKim wrote on social media that he was treating his staff to “halal-certified holiday eggs and warmed non-denominational cinnamon flavoured geometrically decorated seasonal fruit buns.”

McKim was taking the piss out of Pauline Hanson, who recently called on her supporters to boycott Cadbury because their chocolate is halal-certified, as well as Cory Bernardi, whose Australian Conservatives movement is leading the fight to keep the word ‘Easter’ in ‘Easter eggs’. It’s unclear at this stage who they’re actually fighting against, but boy are they mad about it.

But the fact that McKim was obviously having a joke appears to have been lost on the folks at The Daily Mail, who launched a tirade against the “politically-correct Greens senator” whose post “never once mentions EASTER”.

Daily Mail Angry

This in turn led to a flurry of activity on McKim’s Facebook page, as right-wingers fired up their keyboards and went on the attack. The Tasmanian senator was accused of being an “idiot” and a “communist” and a “gutless wonder”. One guy even accused him of trying to bring about a “marxist atheistic utopia”, which honestly sounds pretty good to me.

Halal Easter troll

McKim wasn’t done with the trolling though, responding to dozens of the saltiest comments with a friendly season’s greeting.

Happy Easter 1 Happy Easter 2 Happy Easter 3

Of course all this fuss is just taking attention away from the real issue: why the hell do supermarkets start stocking non-denominational cinnamon flavoured geometrically decorated seasonal fruit buns in January?? Bloody commie snowflakes!! The pope must be rolling in his grave.

h/t Buzzfeed