
Can Someone Just Tell Us What To Do After Graduation?

In case you're freaking out.

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The big bad world is a scary place. For most of us, graduation day is something you will have anticipated for what seems like forever. No more assignments, no more group work, no more expensive textbooks? Yes please.

But now that the end of your university days are lurking, graduation may seem like a dirty word. Simple questions like, “have I used enough references?” are replaced with daunting ones like “so, what are your plans for next year? Have you got a job yet?”

If this sounds like you, fear not. You are not alone. There are many young people who feel exactly the same.

There are plenty of paths that you can take. We broke down the pros and cons of some popular ones.

Traveling Or Working Overseas


Seeing the world without having to come back in time for the start of semester, or having to do your timetable using crappy Italian Wi-Fi, where do I sign up?

It is arguably the best time in your life to go travelling or work overseas. There is little holding you back, and at this point in time your commitments are probably at a minimum. See the world, gather your thoughts after a rough few years of uni and come back with some awesome campfire stories.


I know what you’re thinking, “what cons could there possibly be?” Well, there is the slight downer that spending time away means you’re delaying getting started on your career, saving for your future and getting a head start on things like a house deposit. It’s time to start facing all those boring, disgusting adult things.

More Study


Here’s an obvious perk: getting to live the student life for that little bit longer.

Student discounts are everywhere, having Wednesdays beers isn’t weird, and you have an excuse to live like a slob and basically doing the bare minimum for another year or two. And you know what they say, knowledge is power. Further study makes you stand out, and often involves lots of fieldwork, which can be super fun if you’re passionate about what you are studying.


Studying more means more assignments, more group work and more exams. If you have just graduated or finished your studies, the very thought of staying at uni even longer probably makes you shudder.

Although doing more study does look good on your CV, it does mean you cant start working full time and earning real money for another few years.

Remember those gross adult things we talked about? Yeah, they require lots of cash. The student life just isn’t going to cut it if you want to start properly adulting any time soon.

Getting Full Time Work


Cash dollazzz baby! Getting a full time income after being a student is bound to be enjoyable. You’re able to take all the hard work from the past few years and finally put it into practice.

Being professional and starting to build your career is the entire reason you went to uni in the first place, right?


Working nine to five, five days a week. Need we say more? Goodbye Tuesday afternoon naps and Wednesday hangovers. Its time to get serious.

No matter what you choose, it’s important to remember what have just achieved, you legend. Frame that degree, put it on the wall, sit back and crack open the champagne. You deserve it.

Kate hopes to be a travel writer and spend her life jet setting. She believes a combination of espresso martinis and a good Beyonce song is the key to happiness.

(Lead image: Gossip Girl/The CW)