
The La La Land/Moonlight Fiasco Wasn’t The Only Major Cock-Up At The Oscars

Someone is definitely getting fired.

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Not sure if you heard, but there was a little bit of a mix up at the Oscars last night after presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway accidentally gave Best Picture TO THE WRONG BLOODY FILM.

We’ve got our own theories as to how the error (or should I say “error”) occurred, but it’s safe to say that, regardless of whose fault it was, everyone felt extraordinarily awkward.


But as bad as that was, it turns out the Academy stuffed something else up last night — and while it wasn’t quite as embarrassing, in some ways it might actually have been worse.

As you probably know, every year the Oscar ceremony includes an In Memorium section, in which they pay tribute to members of the filmmaking community who have recently passed away. Included in this year’s slideshow were the likes of Prince, Gene Wilder, Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, as well as many others whose names you mightn’t necessarily recognise, but whose work was an integral part of films that you know and love.

One of those people was Janet Patterson, an Australian costume and production designer who died late last year after a long and distinguished career that saw her earn four Oscar nominations for her work on The Piano, The Portrait of a Lady, Oscar and Lucinda, and Bright Star.

Jan Chapman

The problem is that the above image, which was included in the In Memoriam tribute, is not Janet Patterson. It’s actually a photo of her friend and collaborator, producer Jan Chapman, who is still very much alive.

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Janet Patteron is in the centre here. Chapman is on the left.

“I was devastated by the use of my image in place of my great friend and long-time collaborator Janet Patterson,” Chapman told Variety. “Janet was a great beauty and four-time Oscar nominee and it is very disappointing that the error was not picked up.”

“I am alive and well and an active producer,” she added.

Someone is definitely getting fired.