Amy Schumer Hilariously Takes Apart The Giant Creepfests That Are Child Beauty Pageants

Meet Amy Merryweather Sherman.

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The child beauty pageant is a phenomenon most Australians are only familiar with second-hand, from reality shows like Toddlers and Tiaras and movies like Little Miss Sunshine, but we get the general idea: dressing kids up like cowgirls and princesses, hyper-controlling mothers, imposing weird beauty standards on six-year-olds. It’s all a bit off, which is probably why Amy Schumer’s decided to highlight how ridiculous they are by dressing like a giant child beauty contestant with a case of, in the doctor’s words, “Foetal Red Bull Syndrome”.

This is only the first half of the sketch, too; Schumer’s been kicking goals with longer comedy bits for a little while now, especially the incredible 21-minute long recreation of 12 Angry Men from a few weeks ago.